Go on an Adventure!

So listen.

2017 is coming to an end & before 2018 starts, let’s have a talk. Just us.

If you found that 2017 was the year that you still didn’t start that book you said you would…

…or you still didn’t go after that opportunity…

…or you didn’t spend any time on that project you wanted to work on…

…or you didn’t leave that toxic relationship (with him, her, your job or yourself)…

…or you didn’t start, you didn’t continue, you didn’t finish.

Do your girl a favor, ‘kay?


Try something new. Attempt that thing you forgot you wanted to do. Every day do something that isn’t a part of your normal routine. Break up the monotony.

For God’s sake, HAVE.SOME.FUN.

(Yeah, I’m screaming at you!)

Your abundant life will, for sure, look different than the person’s next to you, but PLEASE start living it.

Goals are a little too overwhelming to think about? Fine. Remember… life is more than just a series of mistakes, overwhelming moments, grinding, with only small glimmers of hope tossed in between.

Happiness, joy, and excitement aren’t reserved for the rich & IG famous. And yes, while we KNOW that (in our heads), I’m not sure we really KNOW that (in our hearts).

Life is to be enjoyed. Fulfilling purpose can be THRILLING!

Set your heart to take more risks in the year of our Lord, 2018.

Get out of the boat & walk on water.

Have an adventure!

He’s waiting.

NSB’s #TOP5Books for the Struggling Creative

So, we know.

It’s HARD out here for creatives.

Many of us want to be better at whatever it is we do but we’re constantly battling our own fears & insecurities. Some of us lack discipline & follow-through and some of us are looking to be inspired and have no idea where the muse is or where to look for it.

Did I say hard? I meant grueling!

However, we’ve found that the following books have helped us to understand who we are and HOW we can get over! Of course, this list is BY NO MEANS exhaustive. Please share with us the books YOU love!

BigMagicBIG MAGIC: Creative Living Beyond the Fear – Elizabeth Gilbert
This book came into my life at a time when I sincerely wondered if it was too late for me to BE what I thought I was only destined to watch others become. Gilbert encourages us to MAKE OUR ART (whatever that art is) and to, in turn, watch our ART, make us. She challenges us to EMBRACE that weird tight-rope we’re always walking between “inspiration” & “pragmatism”; on that rope lies our own unique creative walk.




Year of Yes: How to Dance it Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person – Shonda Rhimes
While this is Shonda’s story, this is really the story of any person (especially creatives) who finds themselves hiding–hiding who we are, hiding from those around us or hiding from the life we’re scared to lead or want. Rhimes uses humor to expose how insidious & life-altering “NO” can be if left unchecked.






The War of Art: Break through the Block and Win Your Inner Creative Battles – Steven Pressfield
This book is a kick-in-the-arse! Pressfield challenges you to take a LONG-HARD look in the mirror & deal with the biggest enemy in the war of your art–you!







Restless: Because You Were Made for More – Jennie Allen
If you’ve ever had a feeling like where you are right now is not where you are meant to be, this book is for you. Allen helps you see where that “restlessness” comes from and how your passions, gifts and even your sufferings align into a bigger picture than you could possibly imagine.






Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life – Anne Lamott

A favorite of our Chief Creative Office, Tracey, Lamott’s memoir challenges us to break down our work (and even our lives) into manageable pieces. We don’t have to be overwhelmed by the vision we have or the purpose we feel called to fulfill. Day by day, bird by bird.




DON’T FORGET to leave any books that have blessed you in the comments below!

– Candace

A Day for Grace and Honoring Family

Thanksgiving2017-NSBNSBM will always stand with First Nation and Indigenous people, honoring their mourning on this day. We also recognize that for so many of us, this is a day of rest and reflection; a day where we love on our families and consider our blessings. Artists. Everyone. Give thanks for where you are right now in this moment.

Is everything perfect? No.

Have you finished what you started? Maybe not.

But, you’re in the process. You’re further than where you were last year this time. (If you’re not, check our blog post named “Start.” 😉).Every day you wake up & put ANY effort to any of your goals, you are THAT much closer.

So, say GRACE over yourself & give thanks for the journey you’re on & those who are with you. Hold your family/friends a little tighter today & breathe in every moment because regardless of what is happening right now, it will NEVER be THIS way again.

So, in the words of Hilary Rushford,

With Grace & Gumption,

Much love from the New Season Books & Media Team


What are you afraid of? What is the hold-up? Why haven’t you begun that project?

WHY are you scared to start?

Sometimes we think “Well if I don’t start, I can’t be disappointed with not finishing. I can’t be upset if something goes wrong.”

Sometimes it’s easier to sit on the side-line of “What if?” than to get in the game & lose. Or so we think.


Because ‘what if’ still allows us our dream—unbothered, unshaken, but also untried. It allows us to always be talking about what we’re ‘fitna do’ instead of what we have done.

The truth is… starting does take nerve. Yes, finishing is important but STARTING requires you to see all variables & still have the gall to want to solve the equation. It requires you to see yourself clearly, see the goal, sees how scary the steps are to get there, how much work it will take & BEGIN ANYWAY.

It is a courageous act. It is revolutionary to start.

The only way to start is…well…to START. In the moment you feel it, START. Don’t wait until January or 9AM or Monday.

You’re going to be unsure, scared, and weird about the whole thing. So? START.